This course delves into the exciting world of bioinformatics, equipping you with the skills to analyze and interpret biological 

data at the molecular level. We'll embark on a journey through:

Interrogation of Genomic Databases and Sequence Analysis: Learn how to extract valuable information

 from vast genomic databases. Techniques like sequence alignments and similarity searches will empower

 you to analyze and compare DNA and protein sequences.

Molecular Modeling of Proteins: Gain insights into the 3D structure and function of proteins through

 comparative modeling methods. We'll explore how protein sequence databases can be leveraged to

 build models of unknown protein structures.

Introduction to Structural Bioinformatics: Dive deeper into the realm of protein structures. We'll

 explore methods for querying structural databases, performing structural alignments, and utilizing 

these techniques in molecular modeling.

Practical Work: Get hands-on experience with bioinformatics software. You'll learn how to navigate

biological databases, explore sequence motifs, and perform sequence similarity searches using 

powerful tools like BLAST.


To fully benefit from this course, it is necessary to have knowledge of basic concepts related to biochemistry.

Marketing Authorization (MA) is the approval process for a medical device after undergoing an evaluation process to determine the safety, efficacy, level of quality, and relevance of the product information provided.

Intitulé du Master : Chimie pharmaceutique
Semestre : 3
Intitulé de l’UE : Unité transversale UET 3.1
Intitulé de la Matière : Législation et autorisation de mise sur le marché
Volume Horaire Hebdomadaire : 1.5h cours
Crédits : 1
Coefficients : 1

Objectifs de l’enseignement 

Apprendre à l’étudiant les procédures de rédaction et d’enregistrement des dossiers pharmaceutiques, ainsi que toutes les exigences et la législation mise en place par les autorités compétentes du secteur concerné.